99 876 543 How Are Number Rounded To The Nearest Hundred Thousand And Millions

99 876 543 how are number rounded to the nearest hundred thousand and millions

Rule in rounding off - if the number beside the rounding digit is below 5, round down. If the number beside the rounding digit is 5 or above, round up.

In rounding up, add 1 to the rounding digit then change all the remaining digits to its right to 0.

In rounding down, the rounding digit stays the same but all the remaining digits to its right shall also be changed to 0.

99 876 543

Rounding off to the nearest:

a. hundred thousands

The rounding digit is 8. The number beside the rounding digit is 7. Since it is atleast 5 or higher, round up.

= 99 900 000

b. millions

The rounding digit is 9. The number beside the rounding digit is 8. Since it is atleast 5 or higher, round up by adding 1 to the 9 in the millions place. Since it will become a 2-digit number, we will add it instead to the highest place value which is ten millions. The digit in that place is also 9.

= 100 000 000



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